segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2011

Moving On

Agora sim eu posso dizer... I'm moving on. Primeiramente, esse é um post sobre o episódio final da sétima temporada de House. Ou seja, SPOILERS, MEU BRASIL!

Ok, o movimento #WeSupportLisaE no twitter não deu certo. E foi até bom, porque a Lisa está certa em não atuar mais. Ainda acho que não foi bem escolha dela, mas sinto que foi bom...

Vamos lá.

Chase, Foreman e 13 nesse episódio são meros figurantes. Agora o Taub... o toque do celular dele é no mínimo hilário. hahahahaha

E como assim o Taub está grávido de 2 crianças? De mães diferentes!! Ahh, a série na 8ª temporada vai se chamar TAUB e não HOUSE.

Já o Wilson... Robert Sean Leonard está cagando e andando para a série. Apareceu cinco segundos e vazou lá para a Broadway. Temporada que vem sem Cuddy e sem Wilson não dá, merci beacoup. Next.

House... esse é um porra louca de marca maior. Cara doido dos infernos. Ele abre a perna e se opera no episódio anterior e arrebenta a casa da Cuddy com o carro? Apesar que... deveria ter arrebentado a cara dela.

Cuddy... sua vadia! Correu pro primeiro mané que apareceu. Mané mesmo, um idiota beeeem parecido com o Lucas, tanto que estão chamando de "Irmão do Lucas".

A cena das mãos... eu MORRI várias vezes seguidas. É muito amor, meu Brasil. Lisa E e Hugh Laurie, vocês têm uma baita química. Sai faísca na tela. GEZUIZ! BEIJA EU, HOUSE, EU! \o/

Episódio fraco, previsível, sem gancho nenhum para uma nova temporada, bobo, sem sentido e sem coesão. Os personagens que foram construídos em 7 anos são jogados no lixo em menos de 5 minutos.

Sendo mais específica (e clara, espero):

O episódio é feito de flashbacks... em um dos primeiros, a Cuddy diz que se ele pisar no hospítal novamente ou chegar perto dela, ela quer ele preso. Ok, entendemos a postura da Cuddy... depois do imbecil destruir a casa dela. Mas cadê a coerência? Lisa E não participa da 8ª temporada significa House no Havaí (ou wherever) forever and ever?

A Cuddy saiu com Lucas Jr. Ok. Eles vão acabar com 6 anos de amor reprimido (que ELES colocaram na série, diga-se de passagem) assim? A Cuddy vai mesmo ser a vadia da história? É isso que eles querem? A mulher que quase casou com o babaca infantil amando outro vai sair como a vadia? OH, COME ON!

Que fim vão dar para a Cuddy? "Ah, ela pediu demissão". E daí? O House continua sendo procurado por ser um panaca ciumento que adora destruir as casas das ex-namoradas. Simplesmente vai sair? Tipo a Jennifer Morrison? Não... não quero acreditar que isso aconteceu.

O que falar dos outros ganchos? Ah, esqueci: NÃO TEM OUTRO GANCHO. Nem o caso médico da doida que inventava sintomas foi interessante...

Ausiello amanhã entrevista o Shore... as coisas vão começar a ficar claras... assim esperamos!

Eu previ isso no começo do episódio... a torcida do Corinthians é mansinha perto desse monte de fã raivoso.

From "What Now?" to "Moving On"?

E explico por que é COPIADO. Desde o dia que a internet parou (17 de maio), todos os fãs de HOUSE buscam explicações para a saída da Lisa Edelstein. Ninguém da FOX dá declarações, o David Shore não se pronunciou e o Greg Yaitaines só fala BOSTA (como sempre) -- aliás, como esse merda pode ser diretor de uma série tão boa?. Muitas petições foram criadas, uma campanha de mobilização no twitter (lmfao) está planejada para hoje às 20h30, e um vídeo MUITO bem feito foi editado.

Aviso que o post é longo, mas vale MUITO a pena ler. Se você for fã, gostar de HOUSE, ver de vez em quando ou até tentar descobrir o porquê da internet ter parado terça passada, LEIA. Eu espero que um dia o David Shore apareça para esclarecer essa história muito esquisita da saída da Lisa Edelstein.

I am starting this story at the end which may seem a little strange but please bear with me and soon hopefully it will make sense. We are now 2 days from the Season 7 finale and all the friends I have who are HOUSE fanatics are in mourning. We (myself included) are in mourning because our favorite female TV doctor has decided not to return to House for an 8th season.

One thing that has been bothering us in the fan community, is the WHY? Why after seven years of playing this character who Lisa has repeatedly said she loved, promoting this character, and being the head cheerleader for the show HOUSE, did Lisa Edelstein decide it wasn’t worth it any more? Why did Lisa decide to walk away from something that has been a huge part of her life for almost a decade when she so clearly wanted to come back?

In an interview with E Online on the red carpet at this year’s PCA awards when asked about the future of HOUSE, Lisa made the comment that while she doesn’t know how long the show will continue, “I will be there as long as I’m invited to be there”. That comment was made on 01/06/11, less than 6 months ago.

In an article dated 03/02/2011 from Megan Masters for TVLine, Lisa Edelstein was asked about House returning for season 8 and she is quoted as saying, “Nobody at work seems to think it won’t [return],” she tells TVLine. “Everybody wants to come to a deal, and I certainly am looking forward to a Season 8. I don’t think anybody wants to see [House] go off the air,” she continues. “It’s a big show for Fox and for NBC Universal, so it’s just a matter of everybody dotting their I’s and crossing their T’s.”

One theory as to the WHY that I have heard people spouting off about is “the money” and while yes the money is important and I’m sure a part of it,…..I think it’s more…..much more. I believe in the land of the free and the home of the brave, where the right to free speech is protected (at least on paper); I think Lisa Edelstein was a victim of having the wrong political view.

In February of this year Lisa Edelstein stared in an advertisement regarding abortion for a liberal political group that is pro-choice and a supporter of Planned Parenthood. While the ad did not promote abortion, it was targeted to battle the GOP’s effort to legislate changes in abortion law and reduce public funding to agencies like Planned Parenthood. The message was “if an abortion is a woman’s choice, don’t send her back to the 50’s for (dangerous) back alley abortions”.

The Fox Network has a long and colorful reputation of being ultra conservative and a (pro-life supporter). The FOX network is the network that airs HOUSE.

This dynamic, set up a behind the scenes drama that has had HOUSE fans all over the world scratching their heads this year and trying to figure out “what the HELL is going on with HOUSE MD”.


November or December 2010
Sometime before the 1st of the year 2011 Lisa Edelstein was contracted to do the ad for

January 2011
The Fox Network found out Lisa’s intent to make the ad for (before the ad was produced). Someone (important) at the Fox Network made a phone call to Lisa warning her not to do the ad (as reported in this French TV Guide interview)

January 2011
David Shore called back to “fix” HOUSE.

An additional episode added to season 7 of HOUSE epi 23 (I believe this episode is intended to remove the character of Lisa Cuddy. I also believe in an effort to thumb his nose at the Fox Network, David Shore decided to call this episode Moving On in ref. to
Article by NELLIE ANDREEVA for

NBC announces that they are shelving the remake of the Rockford Files because the “writer and executive producer” of the show David Shore, “unexpectedly had to devote his entire attention to his Fox series House. The veteran Fox medical drama had planned an ambitious multi-episode arc featuring Dr. House on the road, which was a brainchild of executive producer Katie Jacobs. But when the arc was scrapped in advanced stages, Shore had to jump in and help re-break stories for a significant portion of the season, which also recently grew larger with an order for one additional episode by Fox.”

HOUSE episode ratings and original air date according to Wikipedia

Now What? September 20, 2010 10.54 million viewers
Selfish September 27, 2010 10.18 million viewers
Unwritten October 4, 2010 10.78 million viewers
Massage Therapy October 11, 2010 9.69 million viewers
Unplanned Parenthood October 18, 2010 9.65 million viewers
Office Politics November 8, 2010 9.63 million viewers
A Pox on Our House November 15, 2010 10.77 million viewers
Small Sacrifices November 22, 2010 9.24 million viewers

I may be less than learned about TV production, but those ratings don’t seem like they belong to a show on its last legs and needs to be “fixed”. If David Shore came back in January 2011 then several of the shows listed below were already produced or in production. It is my "guestimate" that his involvement started back with the Two Stories episode.

Larger Than Life January 17, 2011 10.52 million viewers
Carrot or Stick January 24, 2011 10.45 million viewers
Family Practice February 7, 2011 12.33 million viewers
You Must Remember This February 14, 2011 9.86 million viewers
Two Stories February 21, 2011 10.41 million viewers
Recession Proof February 28, 2011 11.01 million viewers
Bombshells March 7, 2011 11.08 million viewers
Out of the Chute March 14, 2011 10.41 million viewers
Fall From Grace March 21, 2011 9.49 million viewers
The Dig April 11, 2011 8.93 million viewers
Last Temptation April 18, 2011 8.80 million viewers
Changes May 2, 2011 8.57 million viewers
The Fix May 9, 2011 7.94 million viewers
After Hours May 16, 2011 8.92 million viewers

Now the meat of my theory and then we will return to the timeline.

It is my opinion that an important person at the ultra-conservative FOX Network called Lisa Edelstein and “warned” her not to do the ad for We already know this to be true from what she told the French TV Guide a few months ago. When she refused to back out of the ad, I believe the network contacted David Shore and demanded that he get back to HOUSE and “fix this”. I believe they told him to kill the House/Cuddy relationship and get rid of Lisa.

Even though, I wasn’t a fly on the wall when David Shore had his discussion with the Fox Network executives, I still have this opinion that David Shore, like most people didn’t “enjoy” being told what to do, especially when it involves hurting a friend and colleague. I believe Mr. Shore and Ms. Jacobs are every bit as much a victim of the Fox Network as Lisa Edelstein is. PLEASE STOP BEING ANGRY WITH THE HOUSE PRODUCERS. Except maybe GY (he deserves it, just because he’s a troll.) Ka-BOOM!

I also believe that very few if any other people (except Katie Jacobs) knew about this conversation and that is why Ms. Edelstein remained a vocal cheerleader for the show and stated she was looking forward to season 8 of HOUSE until the very end. I think Katie Jacobs knew, because since control of the show had to be ripped from her VERY capable hands and returned to David Shore, she had to be told. It was Katie Jacobs who had to stand by and watch the remainder of “her” season be scrapped to obey the orders of the Fox Network. Someday, I truly hope that those scripts are dug out of the trash and published so that all the HOUSE fans can see how truly great the HOUSE creators David Shore and Katie Jacobs and the wonderful writing staff “intended” to handle the House / Cuddy relationship.

I think David Shore and Katie Jacobs began setting the stage for Ms. Edelstein to Move On from HOUSE but I think they did it with a passive aggressive twist of their own. I think David Shore decided to go down with the ship ( so to speak) as he would rather destroy HOUSE, (his baby) than allow Fox to hurt a friend and steal his dignity. I think he started ordering the most “Wacky, asinine, and OFF THE WALL” scripts you could get.

This season (about since, oh I would say, Two Stories) the fan community has been rending their clothes and all but walking about in sackcloth and ashes, trying to figure out what is going on with HOUSE and what all it means. The fan community has been nuts on the online forums trying to find someone smarter or closer to the truth, someone with an answer. The fans have been looking for clues under rocks, in the music, hoping it’s a dream, praying House is in a coma, looking for something…anything to make it make sense. But how do you make sense of something that is not intended to make sense.? Since David Shore returned to the show as Executive Producer the ratings have been going down steadily since the shock of Bombshells, (the way over the top episode that ended the House/Cuddy romance). And I think that is what he intended to happen.

Since that time EVERY interview, by EVERY writer or producer has almost been intentionally worded to produce anger in the fan community. Why? Well, my thoughts are these; I believe David Shore has been stirring a hornet’s nest that was intended to drop right in the lap of the Fox Network. They (David Shore and Katie Jacobs) don’t want to lose Lisa Edelstein, but they have to let her go because that is what they were being bullied into doing. I am basing this belief in part on an interview Katie Jacobs gave to Barbara Barnett for Blog Critics published 05/13/2011, “Lisa is such a valuable member [of the cast]. I challenge any other actress on TV to do what she is so—does so, you know, seemingly effortlessly. She goes between drama, comedy, intelligence, sex appeal… It’s certainly not my plan or David’s plan or the creative team’s plan to not have Lisa in the show, and I can just say that I will not rest until I figure it out.”
Read more:

The wording in that statement is strange, why would she have to "figure it out" unless there was a problem to solve? From what she is saying, I would say that David Shore and Katie Jacobs would definitely like to have Lisa back in the cast for season 8, but how can Katie "figure it out"; how do one or 2 people fight a communications giant like the Fox Network? Answer: they don’t…..they just walk softly and carry a big stick (and 50 million angry fans make for one very big stick).

David Shore, in case you ever see this I want you to know that I am SORRY for all the mean, hateful things I have said about you this year.

PS - I don't know of anyway to prove any of this theory is true, short of a statement by any of the parties involved and that is not likely to happen. Please just know that it is written with the best of intentions. I have tried to give credit to anyone I have quoted or used information from. It is not my intention to claim credit for any of your words and I apoligize if I have missed giving anyone credit.

Um último comentário: Ninguém gosta do GY! HAHAHAHA

terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2011

Million Dollar Baby

Eu estava revendo alguns de meus textos quando encontrei uma redação do curso de inglês, quando o Rina nos pediu para que inventássemos um final alternativo para "Million Dollar Baby". Não tínhamos terminado de ver na aula e eu nunca tinha visto. É bem estranho hoje pensar que o meu final de certa forma é parecido com o do filme... O que me assusta é como o final está escrito. Está muito bem escrito...

“Whenever we get hurt, we always tell doctors how to do their jobs. Just stitch me up, slap a band-aid on it and send me home. It’s easy to suggest a quick solution when you don’t know much about the problem. When you don’t understand the underlying cause… or just how deep the wound really is.”

Five months from it, she was still there. Not alone, because Frank kept coming everyday. The simple twist of fate turned a plain combat into an endless overwhelming nightmare. Maggie, with bruises all over her body, couldn’t move and was slowly losing the sense of reality. She didn’t know the day of the week, she didn’t know the month, and she didn’t even know the year we were anymore. It was quite surprising that she knew her name at all. Most of her memory had fallen apart, except for the fact that she would say all the correct names of punches – and then we take a final conclusion: no matter what happens, once a fighter, always a fighter.

As days went by, her moody also ran away. No one could blame her: the bruises had turned into gangrenes and the amputation was just a matter of time, with no guaranties that would be the end of a partial problem in a woman’s life marked by struggles and battles in trying to pursue a long life dream that ended up with nothing more than a profound abrasion which not even time could heal.

“The first step towards a real cure is to know exactly what the disease is to begin with. But that’s not what people want to hear, that's not what WE want to hear. We’re supposed to forget about the past that led us there, ignore the future complications that might arise and go for the quick fix.”

She was actually holding onto Frank. He was the reason she kept going for all that time, without feeling any emotional pain for the fact that she was frozen on a bed seeing her bones degenerate like a bacteria. She knew she could win the battle, but not war; she knew her inside was losing the will to live; she knew she was dying. No one could ever doubt that.

How long would it be until she got exhausted of that? Euthanasia is prohibited, but sometimes is the best way out. Frank forbid this term. He would never accept it, and when asked about her wishes, his usual manner, aggressive, selfish, showed it up.

But then one day he came in and found no Maggie in the room. Maggie had committed suicide. Euthanasia. The simple word “injection” could have made it happen. No more days going by. That was it; that was all.

“As friends, as human beings we all try to do the best we can. But the world is full of unexpected twists and turns. And just when you’ve gotten the lay of the land, the ground underneath you, shifts… and knocks you off your feet.”

Frank went on searching for his daughter. Day by day he sent her a letter but the next day, the mail returned, without being touched. Except for… on the back of one something was written. Would it be hers? “Stop searching for your daughter. She will never come back. She will never return from the place you put her,” it said.

Sometimes we think we could have changed the world. Sometimes we wish we could turn back time and make things differently. We can’t face the truth, we can’t feel the growing misery scattering in our veins. It doesn’t matter whose fault it is. It hurts like hell, so we lie. We lie to ourselves in a certain level that it makes us blind and depths; it makes us live pure fantasy. It makes us think that Maggie was just a boxing fighter…

“If you’re lucky you’ll end up with nothing more than a flesh wound. Something a band-aid will cover. But some wounds are deeper than they first appear and require more than just a quick fix. With some wounds you have to rip off the bandage, let them breathe and give them time to heal.”

Frankie pulled the trigger…

quarta-feira, 4 de maio de 2011

The long and winding road

No orkut, faço parte de uma comunidade chamada "Escritores amadores" e olhando os blogs de algumas pessoas que estão lá, encontrei isso:

Tem gente que não está acostumado a ganhar
tem gente que não sabe perder,
um dia a sorte vira e quem apanhou pode bater
quem esperava o revés, revidado será.

E quando a gente esquece da gente
e se perde procurando um alguém
que nunca virá ou nem mesmo se foi,
que se perdeu fui eu.

Não é premeditado, não é caso encerrado
quem se enganou uma vez, nem sempre está enganado,
é só uma questão de escolha e tudo pode mudar
quem hoje fere amanhã ferido estará...

Quando nada faz sentido
me afogo no tédio
pra dor da alma não existe remédio,
existe solução, as vezes sim, as vezes não.

Talvez se tivesse as respostas
me sentiria alguém melhor
mas a verdade me diz que sangrar
me fará crescer, me fará não crer.

Todas as músicas estão fora do tom,
tudo destoa da realidade,
eu me despeço, me disperso e me despedaço
não voltarei para casa descalço.

e essa revolta é coisa de quem
está de mãos atadas ao passado,
passando a limpo as glórias que não vieram,
perdendo o futuro a troco de bala.

talvez encontre o que procuro no fundo de um poço
e lá talvez esteja escrito o teu nome,
mas por favor não se esqueça de me ensinar a voltar.

O blog é
Alguém que de certa forma entende o que estou sentindo.

Eu tenho vontade de escrever. Mas é uma vontade crua. Não tenho mais vontade de interpretar Marianne e Tommy. Não consigo mais me encontrar neles. Talvez seja hora de mudar de ares...