quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2012


I don't know what exactly is going on, but I'm so sad.

There are a million thoughts inside my head, and they torn me apart. I'm sad, I'm angry, I'm fragile, I'm motivated, I'm in love with the things I do, I don't feel like studying... I don't know.

I know I wish people just stopped hurting me. I wish...

Everything is so crazy right now. I'm moving out and I try not to think about it, because it hurts me. Everything about it hurts me. I know I'll be worse, I know I'll fell all alone... even more than I already am.

My English sucks right now... I don't have strenght to concentrate on writting right now. But yet I just wanted to write. I just wanted someone to talk to me, to try to make me feel better.

I've been surrounded by explanations. My explanations, other people's explanations. I'm so tired of how things are going... I'm so tired of having to think about other people when they don't give a damn and just  hurt me. I'm almost giving up on all this bullshit.

Um comentário:

  1. esses seus posts em ingles dificultam a minha vida[vc diz q seu ingles ta uma droga, po o meu eh horrivel!hehe]. Mesmo vc ja tendo dito a alguns posts atras q nao eh boa em se abrir, aqui estou eu novamente me oferecendo como suporte[saber q vc esta triste me mata]Precisando eh so me chamar,meu telefone ta postado no Hurt{um jeito muito pouco usual de se passar um telefone hehe}.Eu realmente me importo. nao sei o quao rapido eu consigo chegar em qualquer lugar q vc esteja, mas eu tentarei chegar tao rapido eu consiga[isso inclui se eu me perder e ficar girando embaixo do sol escaldante das duas da tarde por muitos minutos =D]. be happy, you're so amazing :)
